
We are divinity awakening...

Z. Mahadevi is an intuitive empath, mystic, artist, priestess, sound healer and yogi. A direct descendent of indigenous spiritual traditions, she has been immersed in ceremony, art, and mysticism since birth. From an early age those around Mahadevi noticed she was intuitively gifted with deep empathic sensitivity and insight. Her remarkable devotion to and compassion for all living things was very clear since childhood.

As a young girl Mahadevi studied with Gurumayi Chidvasananda (the spiritual head of the Siddha Yoga path, a lineage descending from world renowned enlightened master Bhagavan Nityananda). She was initiated into transcendental meditation in India by a direct disciple of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (creator of TM ), studied Bhakti Yoga (the path of love) under the guidance of Master Jagadguru Sri Kripaluji Maharaj (considered to be a saint/divine incarnation) and Jnana Yoga (the path of knowledge) under the guidance of Swami Dayananda Saraswati and the monks of the Chinmaya and Ramakrishna missions. A devoted student of yoga, Mahadevi has been expertly trained in both yoga asana and scripture by one of the last living direct disciples of Yoga Master Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, widely regarded as one of the most influential yoga teachers of the 20th century, making Mahadevi a 3rd generation student of one of the world’s greatest yogis.  

Inspired by the spiritual legacy of her ancestors and driven by her passion to live in service to the Divine, Mahadevi began backpacking throughout the globe, starting in her teens - living amongst and studying with some of the greatest yogis, philosophers, artists, scientists and spiritual teachers of our time. She has lived everywhere from Zen monstaries in rural Japan, tribal communities within central america to ashrams throughout the Himalayan mountains of India. Exploring everything from ancient healing modalities and traditional folk magic to the non-dual tradition of Kashmir Shaivism and the poetry of Sufi mystics, Mahadevi absorbed it all.

Mahadevi studied the art of sound healing throughout Africa, Tibet and India. She possesses a beautiful collection of some of the world’s most sacred healing instruments many of which are hand crafted by shamanic healers who imparted their wisdom to her directly. She was initiated into the Ramakrishna Vedanta lineage (founded by Indian sage, mystic and Avatar Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa) and has studied the mystical scriptures of the Vedas exclusively under the guidance of monks. She received the direct transmission of the Dharma (sacred teachings of the Buddha) under the guidance of Buddhist Zen masters in the Sōtō, Rinzai, and Sanbo Kyodan lineages which are unbroken living lineages that can be traced back directly to the Buddha himself. 

Mahadevi has one of the most diverse and expert educations in esoteric philosophy, mysticism and yoga in the western hemisphere of the world yet she delivers this ancient spiritual wisdom in a playful, warm and heart-centered way. Mahadevi specializes in guiding souls through their spiritual awakening. Through ceremony, theatre, spiritual retreat, sound healing and teaching over half a dozen styles of yoga and meditation from both the Indian and Egyptian traditions, Mahadevi transmits the ancient teaching of nonduality (that reality is one undivided whole), the common ground of  Taoism, Ch’an Buddhism, Christian mysticism, Zen, Advaita Vedanta and Sufism. From deeply embodied presence Mahadevi invites others to rest in being, align with their soul purpose and awaken to their true divine nature.  

LOVE is the central focus and theme of all that Mahadevi shares. Mahadevi believes it is LOVE that is "the essence of all spiritual wisdom"and "it is through directly experiencing this LOVE that we learn to live as an ever expanding expression of LOVE in form."

Mahadevi’s mission is to elevate, inspire and nurture the expression, experience and embodiment of LOVE and awakening of divinity in as many people as possible.

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