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Intuitive Guidance sessions are a powerful opportunity to move through psychological, emotional, physical and spiritual blocks as well as deepen your spiritual growth in a safe, intimate and nourishing environment. As a guide, I lovingly invite you into presence where you can nurture the blossoming of inner peace and explore your soul purpose. I am an ally for the individual as well as an unbiased guide focused on your personal expansion at the highest level. Sessions focus on dissolving any blocks or barriers you have in aligning with the highest possible outcome in your world at every moment. I am entirely committed to providing the most powerful transmission of energy possible during our session, lovingly holding space for as you heal, step into your power and allow Divinity to awaken within you .

 During our session we explore any and all areas of interest you may have regarding any aspect of your spiritual journey. ALL QUESTIONS ARE WELCOME. Our time together is a great opportunity to dialogue HONESTLY about your deepest spiritual questions. The essence of true spiritual seeking is honesty. It is when we can dialogue honestly (with ourselves and others) that we are able to see clearly and make empowered choices.

Our work together is a direct transmission of deeply powerful and richly protected energy medicine that has been preserved and passed on from one generation to the next directly from ancient yogic/shamanic/priestess lineages of great power and integrity.

I am deeply committed to nurturing a spiritual awakening in you that supports your ability to love, embrace, embody and celebrate all parts of your existence and experience.

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